King's High: Tatler Schools Guide 2022

King’s High was declared ‘a school of the future’ by one seasoned researcher, who saw pupils cloning cabbages in biology, enacting exciting scenes from literature in English, and cooking up a storm in an enormous room full of ovens that was ‘as far from old-fashioned cooking classes as one could possibly imagine’.
Parents rave about new Head Stephen Burley, describing him as a ‘warm, calm, kind and inspiring leader’ who ‘genuinely understands the specific needs of both pupils and parents’.
However calm he may be, his eye remains firmly on the ball at all times and his sterling senior leadership team includes a Director of Digitally Enabled Learning and A Director of Co-curricular Activities. Said activities – from drama, music and equine therapy to CCF and clay pigeon shooting – are undertaken with the boys from Warwick School.
There’s a shared Sixth Form space too, with a careers hub and an uber-cool roof garden to hang out in. Look out for Mrs Didlick, the unofficial ‘Head of Fun’, who is ‘passionate about everything she does’ and is loved by all.
A recent visitor was ‘blown away’ by the confidence and polish of the girls, who have a ‘cracking sense of humour’ without a trace of arrogance, despite achieving stellar results and moving on to top universities. But, as the proud Head explains, far from being identikit high achievers, these girls are united by ‘their commitment to making a positive impact on the world around them’.
King's High features in the Tatler Schools Guide 2022