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Your Experience

Academic Programme

Our standard academic programme includes three A Levels plus an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The EPQ is a very highly regarded qualification, which is greatly valued by universities and admissions tutors, and is worth half an A Level.

Leadership Programme

Our Sixth Form Leadership Programme focuses on both leadership of self and leadership of others.

King’s High Baccalaureate

“This is a truly unique and exciting opportunity for our students. It will ensure that each Sixth Former, who studies for our Baccalaureate, has a broad, balanced and varied experience, which will not only equip her for university and the workplace, but also be a great deal of fun.”  Dr Stephen Burley, Head Master

We offer a new, unique qualification, accredited by EduQual: the King’s High Baccalaureate. This recognises and develops skills which are highly sought after by universities and future employers.  The Baccalaureate was largely inspired by the breadth and depth of our students’ achievements, and is at the heart of our Sixth Form, sitting alongside our A Level provision.

Academic and Co-curricular Enrichment Programmes

“Pupils’ exceptional achievements cross a very wide range of academic, creative and sporting activities.”  Most recent ISI Inspection Report


Every subject nominates high-achieving Lower and Upper Sixth students to act as a mentor for pupils across all year groups.


Recent joint productions with Warwick School have included: Little Shop of Horrors, Jesus Christ Superstar, West Side Story, The Crucible and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. More on our extensive Co-curricular Programme here.

Young Enterprise

Young Enterprise is a nationally recognised programme which affords our Sixth Formers the platform to develop business and workplace skills, as they start a business from the ground up. 


Some of the most memorable and exciting trips we offer take place during the Sixth Form years, ranging from day excursions to extended residential adventures. Unleash your inner explorer here.

The Talented Athletes Programme

Whether you aspire to gold medals or being a part of a county or national championship team, at King’s High we understand the challenges of combining studying with top level sport, and we can offer unrivalled support for our student athletes. Read more about our dedicated TAP Programme here.

Combined Cadet Force

Our Combined Cadet Force programme runs jointly with Warwick School. Read more here.

Duke of Edinburgh

Over 200 girls have achieved their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards. Further information can be found here.

Friday Afternoon Activity Programme

Students have the opportunity to choose from a range of 82 different activities to explore for a term or a full year.  They work with students from Warwick School and Kingsley School.  This gives them the opportunity to gain new interests, develop leadership skills and in some circumstances, gain extra qualifications. 

In Sixth Form, there are a number of specific exciting activities for Lower and Upper Sixth students to choose including: 

Art for the Community – a chance to produce artwork for Warwick and Leamington Rehabilitation Hospital and Myton Hospice. 

Beyond A level Maths – an opportunity to tackle challenging mathematical problems to build on skills taught at A Level. 

Community Sports Leadership Qualification (Level 3) - a great introduction to leadership and an chance to build self confidence as they take on responsibility of leading younger children in sports activities at Primary Schools. 

Cooking for University – a chance to develop vital skills for life. 

Evergreen School – a fabulous opportunity to work with children with additional needs after receiving the necessary training to support. 

Ivy House Leadership Award – another qualification to develop leadership and life skills. 

Psychology in Action – Advance – an opportunity to design and undertake psychological research as part of a team on an area of interest. 

Rocket Club – for teams of up to 6 to research, design, build and test rockets with an aim of entering UKROC Youth Rocketry Competition. 

Science in Action – an activity for committed scientists who love to experiment, investigate and ponder. 

Young Enterprise – a chance to set up and run their own company under the guidance of business advisors. 

Read our Autumn Term Friday Activities Programme below:

Voluntary and Community Work

Community and voluntary work holds significant importance for Sixth Form students for: 

Personal development and life skills.

Fostering a sense of civic responsibility and a feeling of ‘giving something’ back. 

Improving university and employment prospects. 

Volunteering opportunities in Sixth Form include: 

Work with the ‘Kissing it Better’ charity visiting nursing homes, Warwick and Leamington Rehabilitation Hospitals. 

Supporting small groups in a range of local primary schools. 

Working with children with additional needs at Evergreen School.  

Helping to run the Saturday school for Year 5 children from local primary schools. 

Working on the holiday clubs in Evergreen School supporting children with additional needs.