Record numbers sign up for the Oxford Inspire trip

From Balliol College to the Botanical Garden – how our youngest pupils are inspired by Oxford
Record numbers of our youngest pupils in Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) joined the Inspire trip to Oxford. Briefly, our Inspire programme is about learning to see and think beyond the classroom, and is packed with activities, projects, events and trips, to spark curiosity and ideas.
The day began with a trip to Oxford Botanical Garden for the Natural Historian Project, as pupils used the contents of their art goody bags to create sketches of the beautiful plants and wildlife all around them. They also took some outstanding photographs that will be displayed around school. After a walk through historic Oxford, everyone had lunch in the hall at Balliol, and a tour of the college, whose recent alumni include Yvette Cooper, MP, Dame Cressida Dick, Richard Dawkins, Robert Peston and Prime Minister, Boris Johnson.
Visiting the Ashmolean and the Bodleian Library, pupils decided with the teacher leading their group what to visit and how they wanted to structure their time, creating an atmosphere of collaboration and independence between each group.
Dr Phil Seal, Deputy Head (Academic) says: ‘ This was one of the most enjoyable Inspire Trips we have ever run, as well as the biggest so far. And the quality of singing on the three coaches was also exceptionally high...’