Winter Concert: 'Such breadth, depth and range of musical talent'

Head Master, Stephen Burley says: ‘The Winter Concert was simply stunning, showcasing the remarkable breadth, depth and range of musical and choral talent at King’s High. It has been nearly two years since we have been able to host a concert on such a scale and it felt a moment of real significance to come together again and to see such talent on display.’
The Winter Concert featured performances from The Baroque Soloists, Unity Brass, Percussion Ensemble, Year 9 Saxophones, Double Reed Ensemble, Rogue Quartet, Clarinet Ensemble, Sixth Form Wind Quintet, Senior Chamber Choir, KHS Choir, Key Stage 3 Orchestra and the combined KHS Orchestra, and wonderful solos from Ruby, Anna, Lauren and Taryn.
Please do take a look at some more photographs here: Winter Concert 2021