King’s High Celebrates Past and Future

‘Welcome to our extraordinary new home!’
These were Head Master, Richard Nicholson’s first words in the new King’s High school’s magnificent, cathedral-like hall. It has been a year of celebration at King’s – marking a proud history, educating girls for 140 years, and culminating in the biggest investment in girls’ education that the UK has seen in decades, with a brand new, world-class school for girls.
The girls poured into their new home as if they have always been there, marvelling at the facilities, space and light. As Deputy Head, Caroline Renton told them: ‘You deserve the best.’ In a moving assembly, the school celebrated excellent GCSE, and A Level, examination results, which saw almost every girl being accepted by their first-choice university. The whole school sang Jerusalem, before ending with Nina Simone’s Feeling Good – a new dawn indeed for King’s High and Warwick Prep.