Aethelflaed Art Workshop

The History and Art Departments combined to hold a workshop on 10 January on the fascinating figure of Aethelflaed. Year 12 and Year 7 Art Scholars were joined by Year 12 historians and local artist Angela Webb to explore the life of Aethelflaed, the Lady of the Mercians and the founder of Warwick.
Aethelflaed played a pivotal role in the defence of Mercia from Viking attacks by building fortified settlements including Warwick in 914. In her later years she went on the offensive and defeated Viking forces in Derby and secured the surrender of Vikings in York just before her death in 918.
Despite these remarkable achievements, Aethelflaed is a relatively little-known figure and no contemporary image of her exists. It was the job of the artists to put together an image which celebrates her achievements.
While the historians explored the historical sources and worked on the wording for a display, the Art Scholars worked alongside Angela Webb to develop a collage portrait of Aethelflaed. Throughout the day, they watched demonstrations of portraiture and the use of different techniques such as gellie plate and lino printing, before putting these ideas into practice.
A genuinely collaborative project, the students have produced some wonderful work which will be displayed in the school later this year. Thank you to Angela for her work in inspiring the students and working alongside them throughout the day before bringing together the final piece. We hope that it will be a fitting tribute to Warwick’s founder and a remarkable leader.