How does your garden grow? Celebrating a year of Gardening Club

Caroline Gilbert reports: 'The Gardening Club started from scratch in September, and the first year has exceeded all our expectations. So far, we have supplied the kitchen with peas, onions, lettuce and radish, as well as an array of fresh herbs. (The onions were spectacular!).
We have potatoes, lettuce, courgette, squash, tomatoes and strawberries all going strong, and the kitchen will hopefully start getting the produce from these in the next few weeks. In the greenhouse we have runner beans, parsnips and pumpkins, which will be planted out this summer for harvesting in Autumn - so locally grown, seasonal veg will be on the menu all year round.
It has been a terrific nine months, and - once we created our defences against the local rabbit population ! - everything seem to be thriving.'
Key Stage 3 Science Club have also enjoyed pond-dipping in the Forest School garden at Warwick Prep.