Year 8 German Students Get Creative
Year 8 German students get creative in their research with impressive results!
At the start of this term, students were tasked with researching a German city or region and presenting their findings in an imaginative way (absolutely no PowerPoints allowed!).
Both Georgia and Anna centred their research around the Berlin Wall and the historic moment in 1989 when the wall fell. Georgia built an actual model of a section of the wall (pictured above) while Anna chose to focus on its far more personal meaning to her and her family. Below is a poem that Anna wrote about the Berlin Wall, which references her own grandfather who escaped from East Germany.
We are incredibly proud of the care and attention that went into creating these poignant pieces of work. Well done Georgia and Anna!
The Berlin Wall
A cold, concrete divider
Tearing families apart,
Built after the war,
Yet another rip to the heart
The building began by the Soviets,
Back in 1961
They wanted the people to stay,
Previous Germany had all but gone
For 30 years it stood,
People came and went,
Their lives destroyed,
By the Soviets controlling intent
A few managed to escape,
Pass the wall of shame,
One of my family the first,
His habit for breaking rules nobody could tame
He found his way to England,
He began a new life,
Settled down and began a family
In Germany there was still strife
But soon the people spoke up,
Took down the wall,
In 1989
And soon enough the new world order began to call
But nobody forgot the iron line,
The people they had lost
It was buried deep and hard,
And the people bore the cost.