Prince William makes a surprise appearance in Rose's video for National Anti Bullying Week

HRH Prince William joins the Diana Award video call
‘No way!’ That was Rose’s delighted response when HRH Prince William made a surprise appearance in a video call Rose filmed with Anti Bullying Ambassadors from The Diana Award charity, for National Anti Bullying Week.
Prince William joked with the teenagers that Tessy Ojo, Chief Executive of the charity, did not tell them who they would be talking to beforehand. He said: ‘It’s always good when Tessy doesn’t tell you who you are going to meet, there could be all sorts of expectations. So I’m sorry if this is a little bit different to who you might have thought you were going to see!’
Rose, one of our Wellbeing Ambassadors, was talking about the importance of anti bullying ambassadors in schools. The Diana Award, set up in memory of Prince William’s mother, has trained more than 35,000 young people as anti bullying ambassadors. At King's High, over 100 pupils, from each year group, have trained with The Diana Award, and King’s is a national showcase school for the charity. Rose also did interviews for ITV News and Sky News throughout the week. She told Kay Burley of Sky News: ‘I know not every school is as lucky as mine to have anti bullying ambassadors, but please, please don’t suffer in silence. Don’t be a bystander, because in some ways that is just as bad as being a bully.’
Rose co-hosted a roundtable discussion for Sky’s FYI news programme for young people, alongside her fellow pupil, Hope and Mrs Watson. The panel included representatives from Facebook, Demos, and Vicky Ford MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Children and Families at the Department for Education. Throughout the week, King’s High’s Wellbeing Ambassadors supported the national anti bullying message, from social media campaigns and Odd Socks Day, to training with The Diana Award.