Modern Foreign Languages Highlights

So much has been happening in our Modern Foreign Languages department at King’s High. From an enriching talk by our student-led Language Society, to collaborative projects, and Spanish fashion! We will also be arranging a live webinar for our Lower Sixth Form French students about the French volunteering sector.
Our Language Society were delighted to host Yoli Sempere from Spain, to talk about how languages enrich lives. Yoli moved to England in her early 20s before completing a degree here after just a few years, and spoke about her experiences of living abroad, learning a new language in a foreign country, the different social norms between Spain and England, and how this is an enriching experience she would recommend to anyone!
In French, Year 7 have been learning how to describe their houses and bedrooms and Year 8 have been working on collaborative projects to make plans to go out with their friends when lockdown is over. They were set the task of producing a conversation inviting somebody out, using any means they liked; the more creative the better.
Year 9 Spanish are studying the topic of clothes and fashion and designing the perfect outfit for their first party after lockdown and their summer holidays!
We are also arranging a live webinar for Lower Sixth French students about the French volunteering sector.