Read about our ground-breaking work, teaching Creative Thinking at King's High

‘The debate about whether it’s possible to teach creativity has increasingly become an empty topic. The answer is simple: yes. Instead, we should be asking: how do we go about it and what are the most effective methods for inspiring and refining creative instincts?’
Read Dr Seal’s article (below) he has written for online community, Creativity Exchange, about some ground-breaking work happening at King’s High. King’s High School staff have spent the past three years designing and rolling out a Creative Thinking Certificate, which is completed by all of Year 10.
Dr Seal explains: ‘Our Creative Thinking Certificate is a 20-hour course that involves students choosing a real world problem, conducting research into it, and then using creative thinking techniques to propose an innovative solution. The course differs from a Level 2 EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) because it specifies the higher-level skills that we want students to use in their projects. By focusing on how to generate ideas and formulate proposals, the course gives students a clear sense of how to move away from the memorise-for-the-exam model, and towards an extended process of applying knowledge in a self-directed project.’