News from Sixth Form

News from Sixth Form - June 2019
Charlotte Murphy, Head of Sixth Form, writes: 'Upper Sixth have worked incredibly hard for their A level exams. Lower Sixth also did their internal summer examinations at the end of May and coped well with a busy, pressurised week. However, despite all this busy academic flurry, much has been happening, and our students continue to excel.
We are delighted that the magazine “Pulse” has made it through to the finals of the Shine Media Awards. The event will be held in London on July 1 and we wish the team all the best.
We continue to do well in competition success. This month Sam in the Lower Sixth has had her essay shortlisted in the NCH Essay Competition. She will be going to London on June 25 for a reception hosted by Professor A C Grayling where the winners will be announced. Likewise, Maya has been awarded a prize for the German essay she submitted to the Oxford German Olympiad competition. She will be attending the award ceremony at the Bodliean Library in Oxford.
The West Midlands Regional Final took place for the Young Enterprise team, Imperium at the new HSBC Headquarters in Birmingham and they did exceptionally well, coming runners-up. A magnificent achievement.
Following on from the success of Stress Less, Imperium's product, Martha was encouraged to apply for the Woman Who 'Rising Star' Award. She was named a winner at the awards lunch at Coombe Abbey.
As always, the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of our students remains an inspiration.
News from Sixth Form - May 2019
Charlotte Murphy, Head of Sixth Form, writes: 'Last week, Upper Sixth went on study leave after their last week in lessons. In customary tradition, Rag Week was great fun. Costumes had been meticulously designed and planned and special events were held throughout the week including the Leavers’ Concert and a special Al Fresco Lunch. It has been a pleasure to see the Upper Sixth flourish throughout the year and we wish them all the very best in their forthcoming exams.
Lucy, in Upper Sixth, has been awarded a bursary of £250 by the Mary Dormer Harris Foundation. Her application, one of many from local schools, was successful and it was awarded by the secretary of the foundation, Mrs Lampitt, in Assembly. The aim of this bursary is to give encouragement and support to students in their university studies.
The talents that our students display are always cause for celebration and last term saw the culmination of many months of work by the team who created a magazine, “Pulse” for the Shine Media Awards. The articles, photography and art work were simply stunning and showcased the creativity and flair of students in the Lower Sixth.
We have had further competition success in the Sixth Form as Lower Sixth students Elukchana, Maya and Maddie all achieved a bronze award in the Chemistry Olymiad. Evelyn in Upper Sixth achieved a gold award in the Biology Olymipad and Jade, in Lower Sixth, won the XMaS Scientist Experience for her Physics essay and an all-expenses paid four day trip to the ESRF in Grenoble, France. Phoebe in Lower Sixth was in Florida over Easter, representing England at the International Cheerleading World Championships and her team won Gold. This is an incredible achievement and we are immensely proud of her. It was another successful night for the Young Enterprise companies from King’s and Warwick at the Coventry and Warwickshire area finals. Fresco were awarded a trophy for the company exhibiting the best sustainability for their use of recycled bottles from Ghana as part of their jewellery collection. The overall winners on the night were Imperium. As representatives of this region they will now compete at the West Midlands final on June 6th at the new HSBC Headquarters in Birmingham. Congratulations to all those involved!
All these achievements are incredible but so is the day to day work and commitment shown by all our Sixth Formers. As we enter our final term in our school before the move, the spirit and enthusiasm of Key Stage 5 will continue to thrive.'
News from Sixth Form - March 2019
Charlotte Murphy, Head of Sixth Form, writes: ‘I am always impressed by the enthusiasm and commitment of our students to their work and extra-curricular activities. Students from Lower Sixth organised the most fantastic dinner to raise funds for the India trip. It was a magical evening and I was proud, not only of the impressive amount of money raised, but also the excellent team spirit among the year group. The teams in Young Enterprise have been working hard on their products and business plans over the past few months. Their innovative ideas and business acumen were put to the test at the annual events held recently in Leamington and Stratford. The teams had the chance to sell their products, including a Stress Less exam planner, bracelets made from beads from Ghana, and recycled scrunchies and bracelets, made from clothes destined for landfill. We are very proud of their success at the IBM Presentation Evening.
Key Stage 5 celebrated International Women’s Day with an assembly led by students from Lower Sixth, who belong to the National Council of Young Women. All students were also encouraged to take part in the national photography competition organised by IWD to portray women in real and diverse ways. Upper Sixth have been taking part in a series of Mock Career Job Interviews by two external interview specialists. This unique opportunity will encourage our students to think on the spot and answer a range of interview style questions. Finally, congratulations to Charlotte, whose article Animals: Hindering or Helping Human Health? was published in Medic Mentor’s national magazine.
News from Sixth Form - February 2019
Charlotte Murphy, Head of Sixth Form, writes: ‘It has been another busy and successful few weeks with much to be proud of. Upper Sixth students coped admirably with their mock exams and have taken much from the experience. Offers from universities are flowing in and the variety of courses and universities that our students have chosen is testament to their individual passions. Lower Sixth have started to consider their future choices and the Higher Education Evening created a buzz of excitement. Sport continues to be an integral part of life and it is so nice to see our Sixth Formers embrace the fortnightly Health & Fitness lessons. Our sporting teams continue to thrive. The U18 netball team played admirably at the regional tournament and the U18 hockey team reached the Midland finals.
Elsewhere we have seen competition success. Elukchana and Nina represented King’s in the Maths Slam at Maths Fest in Birmingham, speaking for three minutes in front of eminent mathematicians about the ways that one can estimate pi. Taking academic knowledge beyond the classroom is encouraged and celebrated at King’s and this is seen every month with our range of Academic Societies run by Sixth Formers. Young Enterprise are working hard and developing a range of products. One example from Team Imperium is a revision planner called Stress Less, which will be launched soon along with the other team’s products. The talent, energy and enthusiasm of our Sixth Formers continues to shine through.’