140th Birthday Weekend Events

Below is a reminder of the programme of events, celebrating King's High's 140 years - and many years to come....
King’s High and Warwick Prep Public Art Exhibition (10am – 2pm, Old Shire Hall, 5-9 Northgate Street, Warwick). A professionally hung exhibition of pupils’ artwork, aged from 3 to 18.
Tours of King’s High (Smith Street) 11am – 5pm. Events, including tours, displays from the girls, and BBC Radio 4 ‘Listening Project’-style booths, to record memories.
Netball Matches, Old Girls v Current Girls (3pm-5pm, King's High Sports Field).
140th Birthday Dinner at King’s High (6:30pm, King’s High School Hall).
The King’s High Breakfast (10am, King's High School Hall)
Choral Matins (11am, Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick)
Tours of King’s High (Smith Street) 11am – 2pm.
Come and Sing and Play Gala Concert, St Mary’s, Warwick (10.30-4pm). Everyone welcome to come and take part in a day of singing or playing choral favourites, culminating in a splendid Gala Concert at 3pm, with the choirs and orchestras of King’s High and Warwick Prep. Rehearsals from 10.30am at King’s High.